Grass is used all over the world because of its ability to cover patches of ground ranging from domestic lawns to parks. That’s when it is not being used to feed animals. Its versatility makes it one of the global natural wonders. Versatility and tenacity, that is. The natural state of grass is a bit rough and ready, so if you’re using it for what amounts to decoration, you need to keep on top of it. And the culmination of the process for a substantial lawn involves a finish mower.

If your grass has been allowed to run riot, you will have dealt with that with the appropriate machinery, so what is a finish mower used for? You could call it the fine-tuning, the final trim and brush-up. It’s the lawn equivalent of making sure your hair looks good before you go out. With a finish mower, you are making the lawn look its best, not just for the sake of visitors but for your own personal pride.

Can a Finish Mower Cut Longer Grass?

A good finish mower can handle longer grass, but that is not its primary job. Of course, it depends on your circumstances. If you are tackling a tract of land that hasn’t been tamed before or has been allowed to go wild, who knows what is out there in terms of other, tougher plants and hidden debris? You don’t want to risk your state-of-the-art finishing tool on that when it has been designed and manufactured with subtlety in mind.

On the other hand, if you are tending an area that has been looked after well in the past and it has just got a bit longer and more unkempt, a finish mower should do the job for you.

Professional turf growers, for instance, will have seen their patch of merchandise grow from baby sprouts of new life to full-strength grass capable of supporting whatever activity it is destined for, be that decorative or sporting.

One thing everyone has in common is that the appearance at crucial times has to be immaculate. That is what a finish mower is used for

Why Choose a Finish Mower from Agrifarm Implements?

Our products are designed and manufactured with longevity in mind. Heavy-duty construction means you can go about your business safe in the knowledge that your finish mower is up to the job. Sure, there are cheaper options around, but low initial costs can come back to bite you in the trailer.

Anyway, we offer a whole of life cost. You can bring your machine back to us in 15, 20 or 25 years for refurbishment. That means your wise purchase will keep paying dividends over the years while the cheaper options have bitten the dust and lie around the place, rusting and ugly.

Our company is Australian owned and our farm machinery is Australian-made, which not only means it benefits from the skills and dedication of our workforce but when spare parts are needed – and of course, they will be from time to time – you can get them from us quickly rather than watching the grass grow while some part makes its way from the other side of the world.

In conclusion, what is a finish mower for? For finishing the job. What is an Agrifarm Implements finish mower for? For finishing the job in style and with reliability and peace of mind.